Welcome To Hope Is On The Horizon's Educational Resource Center
Where We Are Eloquently Speaking With Stacey Lunsford About All Kinds of Violence, Mistreatment, Bullying, Domestic Violence and Abuse From A Biblical Perspective 

There's a lot of bullying going on in our schools today, in the playground, in the work place, in the nursing homes, in the hospitals, in the home and in the church.  Oops, did I just say that there are bullies in the church?  Yes I did and the purpose of sharing this series on Bullying From A Biblical Perspective is to expose the works of the enemy and to equip the Body of Christ, with the word of God; to empower them to tell that lying devil that, "HIS REQUEST HAS BEEN DENIED,"... 

This message is for a select few, the remnant, the elect, the chosen ones within my God-given sphere of influence, that are seeking the truth because they genuinely want to be set free from the effects of being bullied, mistreated, traumatized, abused and desire a closer walk with the Lord.  I'm talking about the rejects, the outcasts, the prostitutes, the drug addicts, the gang bangers, the teenage mothers that have been ostracized, the teenage boys on the corner selling drugs, the woman/man, boy/girl that has been wounded in the church, simply because they wanted to serve God but couldn't because of the jealousy, insecurities and misunderstanding of God-centered leadership vs Self-center leadership.

This message is for those that are looking for love in all the wrong places, those that have been used, abused, mixed up and confused, mistreated and bullied by family, friends, the church, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters.  What I mean by looking for love in the all the wrong places is turning to the wrong things to soothe the pain, to fill the void, to temporary take away the pain that always come back again. ...in the morning.

In an effort to ease the pain some people turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, food, relationships etc.,  and their lives are changed drastically.  

  • They have to deal with the effects of the mistreatment that they received, the hurt, the pain of what happened to them, the unforgiveness, the wanting to forgive but don't know how or where to begin.  

  • They have to deal with their addictions that they really want to overcome but their will has become so weak, they don't have the strength to do it on their own.  

  • They have to deal with the shame, guilt and embarrassment of the negative behavior that they are now involved in that in the beginning....it soothed the pain but not has increased the pain; instead of their problems getting smaller they get bigger and hopelessness begins to settle in but Hope Is On The Horizon!

The theme of Hope Is On The Horizon is "taking off the mask, breaking the silence about domestic violence." Domestic Violence is not a respecter of persons and it often attacks young and old alike....big, small, white, black, rich or poor.  

Everyday, everywhere, someone is a victim or a witness to domestic violence; whether we hear the screams, see the bruises or see the children acting out their frustrations in the classroom and it's time to break the silence.

During my training for domestic violence at the Lutheran Settlement House, I had the opportunity to participate in a special class for teenagers and young adults that are involved in domestic violence relationships with their boyfriends, that are abusing them:

  • physically 
  • mentally 
  • emotionally 
  • psychologically 
  • sexually 
  • economically

Their young partners, have been controlling, manipulating and intimidating them into doing things that causes them to loose their identity and live beneath their standards.  Walking around in the pig pen with their head hung low, they are afraid, they are ashamed, they are withdrawn and they say that everything is okay, when it's not okay!

Often times, these young abusers (teenage boys & girls/young men & women) are copycats of what they have experienced or witnessed in the home, whether it is mom abusing dad or dad abusing mom or one of the parents abusing the children, domestic violence is a learned behavior that can be unlearned!

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The theme of Hope Is On The Horizon is "taking off the mask, breaking the silence about domestic violence." 
Bullying From A Biblical Perspective™